Operating Media

Harsh Pareek 0 Comments

Benefits of Google Adwords Training

You can make use of online advertising strategy to attract targeted users to your website, but first there is need of understanding for the basics with Google adwords training course. In this one-day interactive course, you can learn everything about pay-per-click advertising & experiment to understand how it can effectively help you to promote your products or services online via website.The key takeaways are writing effective ad copy, target the right audience and enhance your ads to increase visibility and reach.

What is PPC?

Ad words is all about understanding opportunities ,understand and asses about the risks involved & benefits of paid advertising.

Account Navigation and Organization

Before plunging into the a confusing and challenging world of keywords, best practices and strategy, it is very much important to become familiar with the tools available. Understanding detailed navigation through AdWords features at account-level settings, key metrics and campaign organization at the most fundamental levels is very essential.

Choosing the Right Keywords

Keyword research and targeting are crucial to the success of your campaigns. You will learn how to evaluate your audience, select the most suitable match types and use tools, like the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and search term reports for building a list of best quality keywords to empower your ad groups.

Writing Effective Ad Copy

Writing AdWords ads is often the most challenging part of the process. Learn the rules, best practices and the little known “tricks of the trade” that can help take a good ad and make it a really great ad.

Using Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are like location extensions, call extensions and site links that will improve your ad experience by improving your visibility on Google SERP & enabling a better ROI. Targeting Audiences with Campaign Settings. You will get an overview of the settings available in your campaigns from bidding options to geo-targeting and more.

Understanding Quality Score

To accomplish the proficiency it is very important to have a detailed understanding about the Quality Score for better ranking of your ads. This lesson will carry on throughout the day as we demonstrate how to deliver the best ad experience possible.

Capturing Attention with GDN

You shall be trained to design and build visual ads that can quickly capture the interest of your audience by covering the inner working of the GDN like targeting and bidding options, best practices will help you build the most cost effective ads.

Benefits of PPC advertising

Measurable – There’s an old marketing adage, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half!” Every single aspect of the marketing campaign is measurable and can be analyzed. It’s very easy to measure your return on investment (ROI).

Cost Effective – There is money involved subjected to clicks on your ad and you can evaluate the budget and decidehow much you shouldspend. The options are limitless. This defines that you will be able to experience an increase in traffic without any increase in your ad expense!

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